Sean Bailey Wellness CIC

Welcome to Sean Bailey Wellness CIC

Inspiring Current and Future Generations to Be Healthier

We provide cutting edge health and wellbeing training and education to workplace, education systems and within the community.

About Us

Sean Bailey Wellness CIC was founded upon the lived experience of spinal cord injury and mental health recovery of Sean Bailey.

“You will never walk again,” was the prognosis, the further challenges and recovery that followed was unlikely and remarkable. The process during recovery inspired the creation of our organisation, as we strive every day to ensure we can improve the health and wellbeing of others.

We use the learnings from deep lived experience of the recovery process to share knowledge, up-skill people and create ongoing wellbeing improvement for all of our clients and service users. 

Our Services

Our work is delivered across multiple sectors within business, various education settings whilst remaining fundamentally deep rooted within our local community.


Improve awareness of your pupils and staff with our School Wellbeing Education Programme to enable better health and wellbeing throughout your education setting.

Stimulate action to realise the benefits and importance of great sleep, high quality nutrition, physical activity and exercise whilst improving mental health.


Our Community Wellbeing Programmes support a complete age range starting with our Wellbeing Camps through to our Group Exercise Activities.

By engaging with our community work, you have the opportunity to reprogram your health and wellbeing and the health and wellbeing of your children.


Kickstart a culture change towards wellbeing in your workplace through our Wellbeing Training and Consulting Services that are relevant for all industries and sectors.

Improve productivity and reduce staff sickness by supporting your employees with our Wellbeing Training, ranging from workshops to Mental Health First Aid training.

Working with us

  • Cutting Edge

    As an organisation we are constantly reviewing research, uncovering new methods and developing the way we work to to bring you cutting edge delivery across all of our work streams.

  • Powerful Insights

    We highly value lived experience and believe it can create greater impact than theoretical models alone. When working with us we transition ours and your lived experiences into the delivery ensuring you receive a powerful and collaborative experience.

  • Working for Better

    Our goal is to improve the lives of our service users, by improving their health and wellbeing we are creating a foundation to unlock potential so people can be the absolute best they can be.

Client Testimonials

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