Sean Bailey Wellness CIC

Workplace Wellbeing

Our wellbeing training and education services support and improve staff health and wellbeing whilst sparking organisation culture change.

With the intense pace of business today, including the transition to remote and hybrid working practices, there is now an urgent need for employers to support their staff in improving health and wellbeing.

See below how we can support your business.

Wellbeing Champion

Our Two Day Wellbeing Champion course addresses and teaches how to improve and maintain Wellbeing in the Workplace.

Never has wellbeing been so important, staff burn out, mental drainage, poor sleep, sedentary behaviours and inadequate nutrition are common in many workplaces.

By engaging with our Wellbeing Champion training, you are taking the first step to creating a healthier workforce by embedding Champions of Wellbeing that are trained to support others.

Our SELF GROW model creates the framework to empower Wellbeing Champions to support their workplace in becoming healthier places to work.

Workplace Sleep Awareness

Sleep affects every function of the body including eating, cognitive functioning such as concentration, mood and is without doubt the foundation for great physical and mental health.

Some research suggests over 45% of adults do not achieve the recommended 7 hours of sleep per night, it is no wonder that workplace has such high rates of poor mental and physical health.

If 45% of your staff are not getting the recommended levels of sleep, what does your organisation do about it? How can improve staff performance without the right tools?

With this half day course, your business and your people can positively shift attitudes and culture towards sleep and ensure you safeguard your employees physical and mental health.

Wellbeing Workshops

We provide two hour Wellbeing Workshops that have been developed to empower positive staff change towards their own wellbeing.

Using our SELF principle our sessions are highly interactive creating deep individual reflection and action on Sleep, Exercise, Leisure, Food (SELF).

All sessions include individual reflection using the latest technology, individual action design and group work centred around our SELF principles. 

Enable awareness within your staff on how to be healthier, happier and more productive in their day to day activities with one of our workshops.

Improving Health and Wellbeing for Business

We can tailor all of our training services to provide you with encompassing solution that is suitable for your organisational needs. 

By working with us we can create bespoke learning opportunities to meet the needs and requirements of your employees for a better skilled and productive workforce.

Custom Training Programmes to Suit Your Needs