Sean Bailey Wellness CIC

Workplace - Mental Health

Our Mental Health training services support and improve the mental health and wellbeing of employees as well as supporting business to change their mental health culture. 

With mental health so high on the agenda, it is high priority for employers to support staff mental health.

See below how our mental health training can support your business.

Mental Health First Aid

The Mental Health First Aid Two Day course from MHFA England teaches people to recognise the signs that someone may need support with their mental health and offer help on a first aid basis.

By embedding Mental Health First Aid into your organisation can be the first step to changing culture towards mental health and wellbeing.

Mental Health First Aiders can start productive conversations about mental health, be a role model in how to manage mental health whilst promoting greater understanding of the importance of mental health.

Mental Health Awareness

Our Mental Health Awareness training is a great way to initiate a positive change in direction regarding the mental health of your employees.

Learn about the challenges of mental health in the workplace and challenges the workplace can create for the mental health of employees.

Understand the signs and symptoms of poor mental health including some of the most common and challenging illnesses including depression, anxiety, PTSD and addiction.

Create awareness and support structures within the workplace to ensure employees feel supported and confident in talking about their mental health.

Mental Health Keynote Speaking

We can provide speakers with lived experience of different mental health challenges to support your workplace programmes and events.

By listening to the reality of our speakers your organisation and leaders can learn to spot signs and symptoms of poor mental health and initiate support before the problem escalates.

Our speakers will share their experiences of how organisations and leaders did not support their mental health and what the real outcomes and difficulties were following these experiences.

Hear about addiction, depression, anxiety and trauma, with deep insights into the role of the workplace with these challenges.

Improving Health and Wellbeing for Business

We can tailor all of our training services to provide you with encompassing solution that is suitable for your organisational needs. 

By working with us we can create bespoke learning opportunities to meet the needs and requirements of your employees for a better skilled and productive workforce.

Custom Training Programmes to Suit Your Needs